Upcoming events

Crossroads Church is a place where you can discover peace and practical insights for living as a Christian. Everyone will know your name and you will worship among an encouraging, authentic community. Save the date for these upcoming activities at or hosted by Crossroads. All are welcome!

Every week

Sunday Worship Service, 10 am
We will live stream our in-person worship service using Zoom and our church Facebook page: www.facebook.com/crossroadschurchRCA/
Zoom meeting number: 993 079 7504 – Password: 581402

Tuesdays, 10 am 
Women’s D Group

Wednesdays, 6:30 am 
Men’s Breakfast at Ronnie’s CafĂ©
12812 W. 87th Street Parkway in Lenexa, KS

Wednesdays, 11:30 am 
Jesus, the Fulfillment of Old Testament Promises series
Zoom meeting number: 993 079 7504 – Password: 581402

Wednesdays, 7 pm
Celebration Ringers & Canticle Choir rehearse

Fridays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm 
Men’s Bible Study
The group is studying the book of Jonah, a whale of a tale.

Mark your calendars

March 28-29
Classis meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska
Crossroads Church Delegate: Penny Patterson

Saturday, April 5 at 8 am
Spruce Up Day

Sunday, April 13
Palm Sunday

Friday, April 18 at 6:30 pm
Good Friday service with Communion
Gather for soup, salad and bread together.

Easter Sunday, April 20
Easter Sunday & Egg Hunt

Youth Group

Middle schoolers and high schoolers get together for bible study, discussion, fun outings, service projects, games, and snacks! Meetings are the first and third Sunday of each month. Friends are welcome!

Help us raise funds for Children’s Mercy Hospital by collecting pull-tabs from various drink cans and food containers. You can bring the pull-tabs in quart-sized Ziploc bags to church. Thanks for your help!

Crossroads Church
10551 Quivira Road
Overland Park, KS 66215

9 am Sunday School
10 am Worship
11 am Fellowship